MooBot commands moooomoooo is a minecraft server bot first created in December 2019, that has been running almost non stop for the past 4 years. moooomoooo runs on many different servers now. You can see the server chat's in the discord below.
Discord invite:
Bitcoin Address: 3A7eSU3RjGuMDDK6XpsUZAvHv7x76FgkXB (Servers aren't free)
Monero Address: 49aXC8ZatrK4MrQXeSpUGsYk5HKLpeuhTZKMW8MtXuXxhNob8rQQBrkRj471Zv4ZNoCu6teYwsMy42HznLp6grCt1AUDCrW
Need a VPS Server that accepts crypto?

MooBot commands (Main commands)

Prefix is ! on every server except, oldfag prefix is !!
!help - Get a help menu
NEW !chatgpt / !gpt / !ai - Ask chatgpt a prompt and respond with the bot
NEW !nword total - Find out total number of nwords that was said on the current server.
NEW !nolife - Find out how much of your life was wasted playing the server, starting from firstjoin. It uses playtime divided by total time since first join. Also tells you the average time per day wasted. Command also useful for seeing moobots lifetime uptime.
NEW !mount - Mount any boat or minecart within 5 blocks of the bot. Warning: Anyone can find the coords of the bot, don't bring it to your base!!!
NEW !dismount / !unmount - Dismount from the boat or minecart.
NEW !players - ONLY WORKS ON DISCORD - Total number of players and a list of current players online. In game, it shows the total amount of players that the bot has saved data for.
NEW !radius - Get all players and coordinates in radius of bot.
NEW !dadjoke / !joke - Get a shitty dad joke.
NEW !gas / !biden / !brandon - Get current gas price in a specific town/state. UNITED STATES ONLY! bonus video
UPDATED! !top [NUMBER] [nword(s)/playtime/pt/deaths/kills] [hard/soft] - Top players, it is now possible to change the number of players shown.
UPDATED! !time - Time in ticks, and NOW tells you how long until you can sleep.
UPDATED! !sleep - Tells you if you can sleep or not and NOW tells you how long until you can sleep.
!firstwords - First message the bot has saved from player
!lastwords - Last message the bot has saved from player
!seen / !lastseen - Last time the bot has seen someone online. Also tells you how long someone has been online if they are logged in. (inaccurate if bot has disconnected while they were online)
!firstseen / !jd / !joindate - First time the bot has seen someone online. - NOTE: Any firstseen times after July 10th, 2021, and before December 21st, 2021 have not been saved, and will show the most recent seen time.
!quote - get a random message someone has said!
!playtime or !pt - Get you or someone elses playtime.
!nwordcount / !nwords - !nwordcount PLAYER - check how many nwords the player has said. Added for black history month.
!offlinemsg / !om / !offlinemessage / !omsg - Save a message for someone and moobot will send them the message once they are online.
!kd or !kills or !deaths - currently only works on some servers (5b5t & 9b9t for sure). If you have time, you can submit death message regex in Discord
!messages - Get total messages the bot has saved from a player. (Counting all messages is not supported due to lag)
!wolframalpha/!wa/!math [QUERY] - Get query from WolframAlpha
!linkpreview/!link/!www [URL] - Get title of any website
!curse - Curse a player!
!ban - Ban a player!
!kick - Kick a player!
!mute - Mute a player!
!ping - Get ping of yourself or someone else.
!kill / !killbot - Kill the bot.
!coords - Coords of the bot
!report - Report someone to server moderators for breaking the rules.
!queue - 2b2t queue
!reddit or !reddit (reddit name) (EXAMPLE: "!reddit 2b2t" or "!reddit r/2b2t") - GET latest post from a subreddit (Most likely broken, 403 from reddit api.)
!rules - Rules of the server
!no - NO
!yes - YES
!dupe - dupe an item!
!locate - get someones coords! 100% working 2020
!down - Check if a website is down
!bestping or !bp - Get player with lowest ping.
!worstping or !wp - Get player with highest ping.
!urban or !ud - Get top urban dictionary definition
!discord - Get discord invite for chat bridge and notifications for when 2b2t is restarting.
!ignore - prevent someone from !offlinemsging you.
!unignore - allow someone to !offlinemsg you.
!verse or !bible - Get a random bible verse or add a verse at the end of the command!
!ip - find location and isp of an ip or domain.
!dox - find someones "ip"

RusherBot Commands (Commands copied from rusherbot) (Moobot can do most rusherbot commands)

!health - Health and food level of bot
!runtime / !uptime - Uptime of bot (runtime has been disabled due to an exploit re-enabled.)
!online EXAMPLE "!online" - Check how many players are online on a minecraft server.
!y/n - Yes or no
!dice - Roll a die
!savemsg - Save a message to be played back later with !playmsg
!playmsg - Play a message you saved from !savemsg
!iam - Tell the bot who you are
!whois - See who people are
!leak - Leak coords
!gm / !gamemode - Change your gamemode
!infect - infect someone with autisms.
!askgod / !askallah / !askrusher - ask
!give - give someone something
!teleport - teleport!
!back - go back
!suicide - kill yourself
!op - Op yourself or someone else
!tpa - Request teleport to someone
!tphere / !tpahere - Request someone to teleport to you
!tpaccept - Accept a teleport request
!tpdeny - Deny a teleport request
!sethome - Set your home
!home - go to your home
!uuid - Find a minecraft player's uuid (if server is cracked, will only show name)
!execute - start a vote to execute someone, use /kill yes or /kill no to vote.
!bless - bless someone. You are a good person.
!tab - reads tab - Disabled on 9b9t.
!kit - recieve a kit!


None currently


Made using mineflayer.
For suggestions dm m.o.o.m.o.o on discord


Currently moobot is not open source however the website is:
Please help me with my css since I am terrible at frontend!